Show HN: Fully managed open-source platform for 150 software Hello Hacker News! We're Joseph, Kieran and David from elestio ( ). We've built a platform that offers open-source software as a managed service - we take care of the OS and app updates, security, SSL, networking, backups, the whole deal. In 2009, we started deploying open-source software for websites and web apps we built, many for SMB and enterprise customers. Our process was basically: spin up VM's from a hosting provider, install the software we needed, then update it manually / when it was needed / critical, etc. Once we hit > 100 servers/services needing updates, backups, capacity monitoring and alerting, etc. we saw that it was getting totally unmanageable… so we built what would eventually become elestio. We've put a lot, a lot, a lot of work into building something that allows us (and now you) to deploy a new service in just a few minutes, with zero ongoing maintenance / devops ov...