
Show HN: Save Money on RDS, Elasticache, Redshift with Vantage Autopilot

Show HN: Save Money on RDS, Elasticache, Redshift with Vantage Autopilot January 24, 2023 at 12:33PM

Show HN: Infisical – open-source secrets manager for developers

Show HN: Infisical – open-source secrets manager for developers Two months ago, we left our jobs at AWS and Figma to continue building Infisical. It is an open-source end-to-end encrypted tool that helps you manage developer secrets across your team, devices, and infrastructure. During the previous Show HN, we got a lot of useful feedback which we’ve been iterating on A LOT! In the past month, we’ve been pretty much working 24/7, and we added: - Integrations for Vercel, Netlify, GitHub Actions, Render, and - Public API - User activity logs - Point-in-time recovery and secret versioning - Custom environments - Kubernetes operator ( ) And made lots of other performance improvements both on the frontend and backend. Our repo is published under the MIT license so any developer can use Infisical. The goal is to not charge individual developers. We make money by charging a license fee for some enterprise features as well as providing a hosted version and support...

Show HN: Automated investing ecosystem

Show HN: Automated investing ecosystem Hi there. This is a follow up to my previous Show HN post, which was published 9 months ago: New version: I built a company that provides algorithmic trading strategies and financial data resources for its users to invest with. --> Advice and feedback are very much welcomed! Disclaimer: New born business with its second beta version (19 users) currently live. Whats new since: - Users can connect to multiple brokerage accounts (currently just Alpaca brokerage account's) - Now the business is a fee based business. Similar to Heroku's business model. Developers can charge hourly fees for the use of their products (algorithms or data resources). - Now anyone can publish trading signals, connect to as many brokerage accounts as they want, subscribe to live financial data resources and scale the complexity of their investment intelligence and decision making as much as they want. Other details : - F...

Show HN: StackOverflow-Like for ChatGPT Prompts

Show HN: StackOverflow-Like for ChatGPT Prompts January 24, 2023 at 09:33AM

Show HN: Turning books into chatbots with GPT-3

Show HN: Turning books into chatbots with GPT-3 So far I've used it to reference ideas from books I've read before. I've also used it to explore books I have not read before by asking the bot questions. Some people have told me they use it like a reading companion. They pause while reading the book if they have a question, and use Konjer to answer it. January 24, 2023 at 11:58AM

Show HN: Realtime GPU-powered implicit function plotter in your browser

Show HN: Realtime GPU-powered implicit function plotter in your browser January 24, 2023 at 04:41AM